It’s smart to closely consider how much closet space you need. If space is limited, you can use a custom closet to make that space stretch further.

What's the Difference Between a Reach-In Closet and a Walk-In Closet?
Classy Custom Closets
You can classify closets into at least two broad categories: reach-in and walk-in closets. In many homes, you’ll find both types of closets, yet you might be wondering what the difference is between them. In this article, we’ll dig deeper into the differences between the two. If you’re looking to increase closet space, however, get in touch to discuss custom closet design (no matter which type of closet you’re thinking about).
Reach-In Closets vs. Walk-In Closets
Reach in-closets hold true to their name. With these closets, you can open a door or other closet barrier and simply reach in to get stuff. If you’re in your hallway, kitchen, or anywhere else, your feet can remain planted. Reach-in closets are common in kitchens and hallways, and they typically don’t take up much space.
A walk-in closet is a closet you can physically step into. In some cases, the stuff in storage is actually out of reach unless you walk into the closet. These closets can typically store quite a bit of stuff. Of course, you may want to maximize space with a custom closet design anyway. If you want to determine whether you have a walk-in or reach-in closet, you can often tell simply by seeing whether or not you can or need to step into it to access some of the stuff you have in storage.
All other things equal, store space is something you can almost never have too much of. That said, closets almost always come with opportunity costs. If you build a larger closet, you may have to downsize your bathroom, bedroom, or other rooms. With this in mind, it’s smart to closely consider how much closet space you need. Further, if space is limited, you can use custom closets to make that space stretch further.
Stretch Space With Customized Closets
Unfortunately, many people find themselves running out of space. This is especially true if you don’t have many large walk-in closets. With housing prices so high, many families are being compelled to purchase smaller and older homes. In these situations, closet and storage space may be limited. Further, people these days often have more stuff on hand than in the past. In fact, according to SWNS, 61% of people who have a hard time finding anything in their closet end up buying new clothes!
The good news is that custom closet designs can maximize storage space. This is true for both reach-in and walk-in closets. So, if you’re finding yourself running out of room, consider setting up a custom closet. Get in touch with us at Core Custom Closets to learn more.
Posted 1/30/24